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Embarking on a laundry renovation can revitalise one of the most functional areas of your home, enhancing both its efficiency and aesthetic appeal. As experts in home improvements, RJG Group understands the nuances that transform a mundane task area into a pleasant, practical space. Selecting the right fixtures for your laundry renovation is a crucial step, and doing so requires a thoughtful approach. Here, we outline a comprehensive guide to making informed choices that align with your needs, style, and budget.

How to Choose the Right Fixtures for Your Laundry Renovation, RJG Group PTY LTD

Understanding Your Space and Needs

Before diving into the plethora of available fixtures, it’s essential to assess the specific needs of your household. Consider how you use your laundry room. Is it merely for washing and drying, or does it serve multiple functions such as storage, ironing, or even pet washing? This understanding will dictate the type of fixtures that will make your space more functional and enjoyable.

Space is another significant consideration. The size of your laundry room will influence the scale and quantity of fixtures. For smaller areas, space-saving designs such as combined washer-dryers or wall-mounted ironing boards can be ideal. Larger rooms, however, may accommodate additional sinks, extensive counter space, and multiple machines.

How to Choose the Right Fixtures for Your Laundry Renovation, RJG Group PTY LTD

Choosing the Right Appliances

The cornerstone of any laundry renovation is the selection of appliances. Energy efficiency should be a top priority, not only for environmental reasons but also for the reduction in ongoing utility costs. Australian brands often offer products specifically tailored to local water and energy conditions, ensuring optimal performance.

When selecting a washing machine and dryer, consider both top-loading and front-loading models. Front-loaders generally use less water and energy but may require bending to load and unload. If ergonomics are a concern, raising the units on pedestals can provide a solution. Additionally, look for features like delayed start, various wash cycles, and quiet operation to enhance convenience and minimise disruption.

How to Choose the Right Fixtures for Your Laundry Renovation, RJG Group PTY LTD

Sinks and Taps

A sink in the laundry room is indispensable for treating stains, hand-washing garments, and cleaning up after other household chores. Stainless steel sinks are popular due to their durability and ease of maintenance, but if you’re looking for something less industrial, options in ceramic or composite materials can add a touch of elegance.

The choice of taps should combine practicality with style. Mixer taps with extendable hoses offer versatility for a range of tasks, from filling buckets to gentle rinsing. Water efficiency is also crucial, so look for fixtures with a high WELS (Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards) rating to ensure minimal water wastage.

How to Choose the Right Fixtures for Your Laundry Renovation, RJG Group PTY LTD

Storage Solutions

Effective storage solutions are vital for maintaining a clutter-free laundry room. Custom cabinetry designed to fit your space and meet your storage needs can significantly enhance the functionality of the room. Include a mixture of shelving, cabinets, and drawers to accommodate various items such as detergents, cleaning supplies, and household tools.

Consider incorporating pull-out features like ironing boards or drying racks to maximise space utility. Also, adjustable shelving can adapt to changing storage needs over time, making your laundry space versatile and future-proof.

How to Choose the Right Fixtures for Your Laundry Renovation, RJG Group PTY LTD

Flooring and Lighting

Flooring in a laundry room should be durable and resistant to moisture. Tiles are a popular choice due to their longevity and ease of cleaning. Alternatively, vinyl and laminate flooring offer water resistance and are available in a range of designs that can complement your home’s decor.

Good lighting is crucial in a laundry room, particularly if you deal with stain removal or sewing. Bright, overhead LED lights provide excellent illumination while being energy efficient. Task lighting under cabinets can also help illuminate work surfaces without adding glare.

Final Touches

Your laundry renovation isn’t complete without considering the aesthetic touches that tie everything together. Colour schemes should be soothing and complement the rest of your home. Lighter colours can make a small space feel bigger, while bold colours can add a vibrant touch to a larger room.

Handles and knobs on cabinets also offer an opportunity to enhance the room’s style. Sleek, modern designs can provide a contemporary look, while classic styles can evoke a more traditional feel. Finally, don’t overlook the importance of ventilation. A good-quality exhaust fan or a well-placed window can help prevent moisture build-up and keep the area fresh.


Choosing the right fixtures for your laundry renovation involves a balance of functionality, style, and efficiency. By carefully considering your needs and the specific characteristics of your space, you can select fixtures that not only look great but also enhance the functionality of your laundry room. RJG Group is dedicated to helping Australian homeowners achieve renovations that blend seamlessly with their lifestyle needs and aesthetic preferences, ensuring that every detail is perfect.

As you plan your renovation, remember that the choices you make now will define the daily convenience and satisfaction you derive from your laundry room. Invest in quality and thoughtful design to enjoy the benefits for years to come.